Friday, June 26, 2009
Gaspard Yurkievich
I sat front, row next to Joey from Kokon to Zai-who I absolutely love. My seat was next to buyers from Macy’s and Saks Fifth Avenue!? I was like what? They buy from Gaspard? Joey confirmed that both stores in Europe bought from here! Crazy how different the buyers for stores are over here! Who knew? Anyway The show entitled “The Future of Nostalgia” stated it found inspiration from the insouciant casualness on the american west coast and sophistication of images by Bruce weber and David Hockney. I absolutely loved the silhouettes some of the shirts created as they moved- very fluid but still maintaining structure. They were cut on the sides with “bumps” in a way maybe to immulate muscles- check the images. The excellently chosen color palette made up of mild pastels seemed perfect for the summer. However, I did not like the choice in shoes. They were mainly simple, two toned, lace-ups which I didn’t think fit the progressively shaped Yurkeviech flow and silhouette. There was also a very unflattering and shapeless almost poncho-like shirt with buckles on the front that I didn’t particularly care for as is it seemed un practical and too voluminous even for editorial wear, but then again it wasn't boring! The sunglasses were from a brand new collaboration between Linda Farrow and Gaspard Yurkeviech, were absolutely perfect and definitely added to the show, it was good to see a designer like Gaspard expanding his line even if it is just sunglasses!