The website is finally up . . . although it's still under construction . . . at least there's something on that page besides the default page of the web host! Will keep you guys posted once we finally launch the website . . . and there you can order the paperback premiere issue of LUTEFISK!! How exciting!!! CHECK IT OUT:
I was on my way to Soho when this boy got on the train on 23rd street on the R train. And I was like . . . "who is amazing creature?" The outfit is D-O-W-N!!! This is what I'm talking about . . . these are the kids that I am targeting to read the magazine . . . the kids who aren't afraid to be who they are . . . and not apologizing for it! It was a fresh of breathe air and it made me realized . . . we need more of these kids around . . . to inspire, create and be admired!! PS: I didn't catch his name but whoever you are . . . you are gorgeous and thank you! Go On Gurl . . . with you're quilted Chanel purse and your tulle!!!!
Shot the men’s editorial the other day and it turned out to be quite the task. We seemed to run into a few speed bumps along the way from the clothes, weather, model, even having problems with the law! Nonetheless we worked and turned it out as always! Team Lutefisk!